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Milan Research Lab is the brain child of Dr Hossein Rezai and Professor Antonio Capsoni.


It is a research and consultancy start up, based in Milan - Italy, dedicated to research and development in advanced computational design and engineering analysis.


The Lab is also engaged in research and consultancy services on sophisticated dynamically sensitive structures subject to seismic and wind load effects.


The bespoke set up enjoys the resources employed and facilities available within the Lab as well as the greater resources provided by Web Structures and B&C Associati.

Management Team

Dr Rezai is one of the initiators of the concept of “fusion engineering”. He is the first and only engineer to receive the coveted title of “Designer of the Year” from the President of Singapore in 2016 under President’s Design Award. He is very passionate about the advanced computational design process, and a holistic approach to architecture + structure, with recent involvement with the Aga Khan Award for Architecture as a member of the master Jury in the 13th Cycle of the award in 2016, and as a Jury member for the President’s Design Award 2017-2018. Milan Research Lab is the latest initiative of Dr Rezai’s to redefine the collaborative nature of designers working with machines to overcome the challenges faced by the industry and the world at large.

BSc, PhD, MIStructE, CEng
Managing Director

Professor Capsoni has an acknowledged experience as a chartered structural engineer working on the design of bridges, buildings and special structures. His professional experience developed in parallel with a proven track record in research & development, which started during his PhD dissertation on computational limit state analysis and later progressed while being faculty member at Politecnico di Milano. His current interests span several fields of applied Structural Mechanics, most of them coherent with MRL's mission, including dynamics and seismic analyses of tall buildings, bridges and footbridges, passive damping techniques, stability topics and bridge engineering.

Technical Director
Dott. Ing., PhD, Prof.

February 2018

Web Structures’ Singapore team welcomed a select audience of architects and designers for an exclusive preview of Milan Research Lab, a newly-launched R&D consultancy for advanced structural engineering. In the latest edition of our Web Lecture Series, Professor Antonio Capsoni (Politecnico di Milano, B&C Associati) and Web's own Robert Bamford (Parametrics & Advanced Computational Design lead) unveiled some of MRLab's specialist capabilities and ambitions.


Milan Research Lab srl


Via Paolo Lomazzo 45,

20154 Milan, Italy


T: +39 02 3319484


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